2024 Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship Annual Review

  • 2024-05-07


Dear Shanghai Government Scholarship students:


 According to the regulations and name list provided by Shanghai Municipal Education Committee, you should take part in the annual review as Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship students.


Firstly, please read carefully the review methods and requirements published on the website, which is very important: http://www.oisa.shisu.edu.cn/index.php/index/newscontent/cid/39/id/499.html  

——评审材料 Required Materials for SGS Annual Review——

1.    请下载并打印附件中的《奖学金年度评审表》(附件),认真完整填写相关内容(《评审表》包含两页,本人需填写第一页,第二页的“学生所在学院填写”部分请交由所在学院导师/辅导员/班主任填写)。

Please download the “Form for Annual Review of Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship Status”(Attachment) and fill in the relevant contents carefully. (The Annual Review Form consists of two pages. You need to fill in the first page of “Filled by Student” part, and the "Filled by School" part on the second page please ask your tutor/counselor/head teacher of your department to fill it).

2.    请提交2022/2023学年第二学期和2023/2024学年第一学期的成绩单。其中,一年级的学生只需要提交2023/2024学年第一学期的成绩单。

(PS: 国际文化交流学院本科专业的学生成绩单由学院统一提供,学生只需提交《奖学金年度评审表》)

Please submit your “transcripts of second semester of 2022/2023 academic year” and “transcripts of first semester of 2023/2024 academic year”. First-year students only need to attach transcripts of first semester 2023/2024 academic year.

(PS: The School of Chinese Studies and Exchange will provide their undergraduate students' transcripts uniformly. Students only need to submit the Form for annual review)

——注意事项 Important Notes——

1.    请在北京时间2024年5月24日24时之前完成在线问卷填写(请打开问卷链接https://www.wjx.cn/vm/es8H16H.aspx# 或扫描以下问卷二维码)并上传评审材料,提交问卷后即为完成年度评审申请。评审材料文件请以“学号+专业”命名,例如:0227409001 中国学。

All the students are required to fill out the questionnaire and upload the required materials for annual review (Please open the questionnaire link https://www.wjx.cn/vm/es8H16H.aspx# or scan the following QR code), before 24:00 on May 24, 2024, Beijing time. After submitting the questionnaire, the annual review application is completed. The files should be named by “Student ID No.+ major”, for example: 0227409001 China Studies.

(问卷二维码 QR code for the questionnaire)

2.    年度评审对上海市政府奖学金留学生非常重要,评审合格方可继续享受下一年度的奖学金待遇。请务必认真对待,按时提交评审材料。

The annual review is very important for SGS scholarship students. Only passed the annual review, Shanghai Government will award next year’s scholarship to you. Please take it seriously and submit the review materials on time.

3.    过期不提交视为无故不参评,将被取消奖学金资格。

According to the regulation, students who do not submit the FORM and the TRANSCRIPTS after the expiration date, will be deemed not to participate in the annual review for no reason and will be deprived of the scholarship.

4.    市府奖年度评审结果将于6月初在oisa.shisu.edu.cn网站上公布。

The results of the SGS annual review will be published in early June on the website oisa.shisu.edu.cn.




附件: Attachment:

奖学金年度评审表 Form for Annual Review of Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship Status
